Sourcing in China and South East Asia

SCS GROUP offers sourcing services in China, Taiwan, Vietnam, India, Thailand, South Korea and other Asian countries. Our team will help you choose among reliable manufacturers to find the right product that will meet your business needs.

Our company works only with verified and reputable suppliers and our extensive database enables us to quickly find manufacturers that are right for our customers. We regularly attend industry-related exhibitions and expos, utilize B2B trading platforms, as well as purchase newest research reports to monitor market trends and forecasts.

SCS GROUP comprises divisions specializing in various product categories, including: consumer goods, food and beverages, sport goods, toys, clothing and fashion items, textiles, furniture, DIY-goods, industrial equipment and supplies, chemicals and much more.

Based on your current needs we will conduct a market research, monitor and analyze prices, find you the right supplier and negotiate the best deal for you. In case you already found a manufacturer, SCS GROUP team will ensure that company is legitimate, verify it is an actual factory, not a trading company, as well as check its production capacity.

We value our customers time and run background checks on all potential suppliers making sure our business offer is secure and profitable. SCS GROUP team will prepare a detailed commercial offer, including all financial details, terms and conditions.

SCS GROUP has many years of experience in sourcing goods and suppliers from China and Southeast Asia for companies of all sizes. Our team lives and works in China, speaks Chinese (Mandarin), English, as well as understands local culture, customs and laws. Our goal is to provide you with the best solution to meet your business goal, hence we will help you find a high quality product at a lower cost.